March: The Role of Luck in Entrepreneurship

In the month of March, we often celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, and I thought for this month the topic of “luck” when it comes to entrepreneurship was a good one. What is the role of luck? Well, I think it’s about this one simple thing—putting yourself in a position for opportunity to strike you. So…it’s not necessarily about fate but about setting the conditions for being lucky.

One great example of this was when I knew that I had to find an investor, and we were just at the start of the pandemic. It was a time when I really needed to get lucky. After all, I didn’t know any investors, but what I did know was people who may know investors. So, I started to tell everyone I knew who were former or current entrepreneurs that I was going to start fundraising and ask if they could make introductions. What occurred over the next several months was astonishing. It just happened that one of my good friends and mentors, Rick Mirabile, took the chance of introducing me to his former investor and guess what—that ended up being the one and ONLY term sheet. Had I not set the conditions for luck to strike—I am not sure I would have found funding.

You see, luck is not completely by happenstance. The lucky entrepreneur has a way of making things happen. Look for an opportunity in March to find some luck. You might just learn that your next lucky break is more in your control and doesn’t require finding any four-leaf clovers or leprechauns.

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